Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some common questions about TeeSquare

General Questions

Answers to general questions regarding Team Taleem


Answers to questions regarding monitoring & assessments.

Community Partners

Answers to questions related to the Team Taleem Community Partner program.


Add-ons & Warranty

Answers to common subscription related questions.

How does the program work?

​The program is a gamified digital application which comes installed in a Tablet (part of learning kit). It consists of videos, guided tutorials and digital workbooks of Urdu, English & Maths, with comprehensive daily, weekly & monthly study plans. This is an accelerated learning programme where learners can complete the full coursework of KG – Class 2 within 36 weeks.

Who is the Team Taleem program for?
Any person whether a child or adult who wants to acquire basic literacy & numeracy skills, as well as people who would benefit from foundational skills.
How are learners who cannot read do self learning?

Team Taleem is an engaging and interactive interface that talks to learners in their local language (Urdu) which makes it easy to use for everyone, regardless of their skills and/or intellectual capacity.

What is included in the Team Taleem’s Learning Kit?

Team Taleem is not just an App but also a box full of opportunities; our Learning Kits consist of a Tablet, Stylus, Headphones and other essential accessories needed for self-paced learning.

General Questions

I live in a remote area and have issues with unstable internet & electricity. Can I use the Team Taleem program?

Yes, absolutely. Team Taleem is specifically designed, keeping in mind the limited access of internet & electricity. The learning app works OFFLINE, a learner can easily complete their lessons without the internet. The tablet’s battery life is 8 – 9 hours upon full charging.

Is there a daily learning commitment?

Yes, our recommended learning model is 3 hours a day for 5 days a Week for a total of 36 weeks, in order to complete all 3 terms. However, as it is a self-paced program so as per learners’ skills and intellectual capacity this may vary person to person.

What is the total length of the program?

The full length of the program which includes the coursework of KG – Class 2 is 36 weeks, each Term is 3 months long (can be extended to 4 months). There are three (3) Terms in total.

Is Team Taleem free of cost?

No. we believe in a sustainable impact model hence we charge an affordable 12 month subscription fees; which is almost half of the annual fees of the traditional schooling system where it takes upto 3 years to complete KG – Class 2. If you are a Parent & Teacher you can click here for more details. We also offer discounted pricing for NGO/NPOs, Subsidised/Free Schools, Community Development Institutions, email us at [email protected] for further details.


What will the learner be able to do after the program?

After completing the program, learners are able to

  • Read and write simple sentences in English and Urdu
  • Comprehend simple instructions in English and Urdu.
  • Will be able to do 4 basic mathematical operations.
  • Will grasp basic mathematical concepts like, fractions, shapes and colors and ordinal numbers.
  • Will be able to write the date and their name.
  • Will be able to type and use smart devices.
How do you monitor the progress of a learner?

We have a system of generating weekly & monthly progress reports of learners that will be emailed to the guardian/supervisor; TeeSquare does not collect personal data. Guardians/Supervisors can also self-check the learners progress within the Team Taleem App.

How Mid-Term & Final Term Assessment are conducted in the program?

The digital assessments are built-in the App at Stage 6 (mid-term) and Stage 12 (final term); learners will only have one (1) attempt to pass the assessments. The digital copy of marksheet and completion Certificate of learner/s will be emailed to the guardian/supervisor.

Who is using Team Taleem already?

About 178 mixed age group learners are studying with Team Taleem in our 8 Learning Centers (developed in collaboration with our community partners). You can view the list of our Community Partners on our website

Community Partners

We are a not for profit organization, how can I implement the Team Taleem program?

You need to become our Community Partner in order to implement the program at your institution. You can get in touch with our community outreach team by emailing at [email protected] to discuss your needs & objectives.

What is the responsibility of a community partner?

Following are the responsibilities of our community partner

  • Enroll learners for the program
  • Provide Learning space / room for the learners
  • Induct supervisor who will facilitate learning sessions, handover the tablets and ensure that SOPs are followed
  • Provide connectivity at time of daily log out for each learner to sync progress to LMS
  • Operational care and security of the tablet to prevent theft and damage
  • Timely reporting of any issues to TeeSquare
What are the responsibilities of TeeSquare ?
  • Conduct Baseline assessments for each learner at the start of the program
  • Based on the results, enroll learners in English, Urdu, Maths
  • Procure and prepare the learning kit
  • Install Team Taleem app on the tablets
  • Train supervisors and provide and support standard digital content for KG to 2
  • Monitor progress of learners and conduct assessment of learners
  • Periodic reporting for guardian, supervisor and parents
What SDG goals do you address?

We create a direct impact for the SDG goals 4-Quality Education and 5-Gender Equality and an indirect impact on 1-No Poverty, 8-Decent Work and Economic Growth and 10-Reduced inequalities

How many people should be enrolled in one (1) batch?

15 – 20 learners can be enrolled in one batch; a community partner can choose to run the program in multiple shifts in a day.

How many shifts can be conducted in one (1) day?

Community Partners can conduct over three (3) shifts of three (3) hours for 5 days a week; as per recommendation each shift should have 15- 20 learners.

Do we have to buy a new Learning Kit for each learner?

No, one (1) Learning Kit can be used by three (3) learners studying in three (3) different shifts, however every learner’s subscription fees will be individually charged.

Do we need teachers? How do we train them?

No, the community partners does not need trained teachers. They do need to hire/dedicate a supervisor for the smooth operations of the program. Training and further support of the supervisor will be provided by the TeeSquare team.

What is the qualification of supervisors required?

Male/Female candidate with at least intermediate degree and basic understanding of technology devices and softwares.

Can the learners take the kits home?

No, Learning Kits should only be stored and maintained by Community Partners administration.

Add-ons & Warranty

What is included in my yearly subscription?

Your yearly subscription includes:

  • Full access to Team Taleem application & lessons.
  • Complete Learning Kit
  • Technical & Administrative support by Teesquare team for 12 months.
  • Shipment charges (Partners will pay the charges for the shipment over 500/- Rs OR Inaccessible areas)
  • Stationary & related material
Can we add languages of instruction?

Yes, we can add languages to the program. Write to us at [email protected] with your requirements.

Can we add subjects?

At the time, the subjects are English Urdu & Mathematics; however we are working to add more subjects in future years. Write to us at [email protected] with your requirements.

What happens if the tablet breaks?

For communities, our technical team will collect the hardware and inspect it for the damage; replacement decision will then be made with mutual understanding


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