Team TeeSquare

TeeSquare’s team is driven to transforming Education in Pakistan using technology to give others a better chance at tomorrow.

Nosheen Irshad

Nosheen Irshad

LMS Manager

An education enthusiast with Tech expertise

My quest to know our reason for existence and purpose in life made me change my career. Having worked with various global and local clients I have managed online learning systems extensively. Being a nonconformist and my passion for educating young minds and led to become part of TeeSquare.

My tech experience and creative insight have seen me achieve my dream of empowering learners. The smile and the excitement on faces that I been seen as a result of our solution is priceless and the key driver in this journey.

Shyma Raza Baig

Shyma Raza Baig

Community Outreach Manager

A social enthusiast and community development expert

Shyma is highly committed to improving education and upliftment of the poor and disadvantaged in the society as demonstrated through her experience, specifically in the development sector.

An MBA graduate from a well reputed university in Karachi, she started her career from an advertising and event management agency. However, the constantly deploring situation of her country convinced her to commit her time and efforts to making a difference in society and work to improve lives of the less fortunate; ultimately a progressive Pakistan!

She is excited to hop onto the journey of TeeSquare – Saadia and Zainab’s dream of an educated Pakistan- hoping to play her part in revolutionizing education through this affordable, inclusive and empowering digital education platform.  At the same time enthusiastic to tackle challenges that may come in this need of the hour edTech sector.


Fahd Iqbal Sawant

Fahd Iqbal Sawant

Community Outreach Coordinator

Fahd is an ardent advocate for education revolution in Pakistan.

Having completed his undergraduate studies, he is continuing with his Master’s education, but his great realization is that there is a huge a gap between what is taught in classrooms and the realities of the practical world. With an urge to work for the cause of education in Pakistan from a young age, he believes that the lack of education opportunities for most of our younger generation is the major cause for the challenges of this country which we keep lamenting about.

Working at TeeSquare, allows him to work at the root cause of the problem, giving him a strong sense of contribution to the society. He resonates with the vision and mission of TeeSquare, he passionately believes that through TeeSquare, he can contribute to giving opportunity to the talented younger generation who will lead this country to a prosperous future.


 Alvina Paracha

Alvina Paracha

Social Media Associate

A digital marketing enthusiast who wants to raise awareness of the issues and improve the education sector

My perspective on the treasures of this the world expanded through my master’s in geography. I’m thrilled to be working with TeeSquare as we attempt to use cutting-edge technology to revolutionise education.

Our Support Partners

Academic Consultants

Team of early education specialist with combined experience of decades in teaching and curriculum development. They have extensive expertise in development of age appropriate textbooks based on child psychology, international standards, and local needs. They have been trained at local and international institutes.

Technology Team

Genetech, our strategic technology partner have technology expertise in learning management systems, agile project management, app development with ability to deal with innovation and focus on delivering above customer expectations. Their team of developers have made it possible to deliver a scalable platform with an engaging app for our learners.

Creative Consultants

Consisting of  Video Animators and Graphic Designers, our teams of content development are engaged to deliver the comprehensive graphics required for the program and engaging videos to deliver the curriculum.

Digital Marketing Team

A team of highly competent (project managers, strategists) and creative digital marketers who work diligently to ensure TeeSquare’s message is uniform and consistent on relevant digital platforms.

Our Support Partners

TeeSquare Academic Consultant

Team of early education specialist with combined experience of decades in teaching and curriculum development. They have extensive expertise in development of age appropriate textbooks based on child psychology, international standards, and local needs. They have been trained at local and international institutes.

TeeSqaure Technology Partners

Genetech, our strategic technology partner have technology expertise in learning management systems, agile project management, app development with ability to deal with innovation and focus on delivering above customer expectations. Their team of developers have made it possible to deliver a scalable platform with an engaging app for our learners.

TeeSqaure Content Development Team

Consisting of Video Animators and Graphic Designers, our teams of content development are engaged to deliver the comprehensive graphics required for the program and engaging videos to deliver the curriculum.

TeeSqaure Digital Marketing Team

A team of highly competent (project managers, strategists) and creative digital marketers who work diligently to ensure TeeSquare’s message is uniform and consistent on relevant digital platforms.

Our Think Tank

Shazia Yaqub

Shazia Yaqub

Business Strategy and Entrepreneurship Consultant

Progress never happens in a vacuum. So, in a country like Pakistan, where half the population does not know how to read and write, it is a national imperative of every Pakistani national, industry, and government to ensure that no person is denied the right to basic education and a decent life so that we can hope to compete in this age of knowledge.

To help marginalized communities to becoming educated ones, we must democratize knowledge by bringing a school into every home through technology. Team Taleem sets the pace for a self-paced, highly interactive, engaging program that sets the stage for further learning while being affordable for the common man. An educated nation is an empowered one.

Adeela Khan

Adeela Khan

Marketing and Communications Consultant

If an average Joe, who has never learned to read and write, is motivated enough to recognise roman alphabets to use smart phones for the purposes of entertainment and connection, there is no excuse left to not use technology to massify education. 

Sadia and Zainab are making sure that the opportunity to quality education is normalised and made accessible at an affordable price. What appeals to me most about this initiative is that it offers an equitable chance to anyone who seeks education, overcoming class barriers and stemming the growing gap between the have and have-nots.

Our Advisory Board

Sarfaraz Ahmed Rehman

Sarfaraz Ahmed Rehman

Motivational Speaker and Executive served multiple organizations as CEO and Board of Directors

Societies deal with waste by funneling a process through an efficiency matrix, to sweep up as much waste as possible. Among the most deep seated waste is one of human talent. A capable person not used or trained properly. Here, in our country this is a much deeper problem. Talent never makes it to the door of the funnel to be used or trained. They never get educated, so never enter the race at all. This is a travesty – a human tragedy. Only Allah knows how much of his given talent is being wasted by us, the society.

With this program, they are trying to balance some of this wrong, so that with some sincerity we can say we tried for our people, our country. My dua is that this leads to many young people getting educated and being given some hope for their future.

Warris Ansari

Warris Ansari

Senior Consultant Platforms, Saudi Arabia

Zainab & I go back 30 years since our FAST days. It was last year when Zainab introduced me to her joint initiative with Sadia. I instantly decided to support them in whichever way I could for two main reasons. First, the very purpose of Team Taleem’s creation is to address the core issue of quality early education for all in Pakistan and to support the segments of society who cannot afford quality education.

Second, both Zainab and Sadia are accomplished corporate professionals with illustrious careers. They decided to hang their corporate boots and roll up their sleeves for a social cause at the expense of their time, own money and brains. This made me realize that if professionals such as these could dedicate themselves to such a noble cause, the least I should do is to support them.

Natalie Denmeade

Natalie Denmeade

Senior LMS Consultant, South Africa

I believe that using low-cost tablets in Education will enable the upcoming generation to share in the global conversation about our shared future. As the COVID-19 Pandemic has highlighted, our current challenge as humans is to collaborate across borders to solve global problems. In this century we can imagine an end to an era where access to education was limited by your place of birth, gender or poverty.



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