2100+ lessons in 3 terms over 36 weeks
This course formalizes early learning of the national language of Pakistan and supports learners to develop proficiency
Pre-designed lesson plans aligned with national curriculum delivered using engaging gamified app.
Content and instructions in local language contextualized for easy understanding.

Learning Outcomes

Term 1
This course is designed to develop learners listening, observation, thinking, writing and comprehension skills of Urdu Language. Term 1 covers what students typically learn in kindergarten, and after completion of this course they will know:
Haroof e Tahajji- Alif Madda to Yay
Objects associated with the 39 haroof and identifying them
Urdu words with each letter
Introduction to Mussawadday
Introduction to families of haroof
Tracing of haroof leading to independently writing all 39 haroof
Sight reading with emphasis on haroof
Writing of letters joining with Mussawadday
Term 2
In Term 2, students will be able to learn the basics of Urdu language and get a better understanding of sounds and alphabet and how they connect with each other to create brand new sounds. This course teaches students how to write sentences and increases their vocabulary with audio/visual effective learning methods. Term 2 covers Grade 1 of primary education, and after completion of this course they will know:
Introduction to half form of Huroof Tahajji
Three letter words (3 harfi alfaz), four letter words (4 harfi alfaz)
Singular and Plural
Writing of Numbers in Urdu (1 – 10 )
Completing words with beginning and ending stanzas
Sight words (basri alfaz) and heavy letters (bhari alfaz
Plants and their types
Stories, comprehension, and sentence writing

Term 3
In this course students will be able to understand advance Urdu language skills, build on pre-existing Urdu vocabulary, learn rules of the language and understand the formation of sentences. Term 3 covers Grade 2 of primary education, and after completion of this course they will have enhanced listening, reading and writing skills and will know:
Listening, reading & writing sentences
Reading comprehension and stories
Things around us
Similar sounding words and joining with sounds
Difference of he and she
Rules of nouns (ism), verbs (faiel) and letters (haroof)
Past, present and future (maazi, haal aur mustaqbil)
Recognition of root words (huroof -e jaar)
Learning Outcomes

Term 1
This course is designed to develop learners listening, observation, thinking, writing and comprehension skills of Urdu Language. Term 1 covers what students typically learn in kindergarten, and after completion of this course they will know:
Haroof e Tahajji- Alif Madda to Yay
Introduction to families of haroof
Objects associated with the 39 haroof and identifying them
Tracing of haroof leading to independently writing all 39 haroof
Urdu words with each letter
Sight reading with emphasis on haroof
Introduction to Mussawadday
Writing of letters joining with Mussawadday

Term 2
In Term 2, students will be able to learn the basics of Urdu language and get a better understanding of sounds and alphabet and how they connect with each other to create brand new sounds. This course teaches students how to write sentences and increases their vocabulary with audio/visual effective learning methods. Term 2 covers Grade 1 of primary education, and after completion of this course they will know:
Introduction to half form of Huroof Tahajji
Completing words with beginning and ending stanzas
Three letter words (3 harfi alfaz), four letter words (4 harfi alfaz)
Sight words (basri alfaz) and heavy letters (bhari alfaz
Singular and Plural
Plants and their types
Writing of Numbers in Urdu (1 – 10 )
Stories, comprehension, and sentence writing

Term 3
In this course students will be able to understand advance Urdu language skills, build on pre-existing Urdu vocabulary, learn rules of the language and understand the formation of sentences. Term 3 covers Grade 2 of primary education, and after completion of this course they will have enhanced listening, reading and writing skills and will know:
Listening, reading & writing sentences
Develop Urdu vocabulary
Reading comprehension and stories
Rules of nouns (ism), verbs (faiel) and letters (haroof)
Things around us
Past, present and future (maazi, haal aur mustaqbil)
Similar sounding words and joining with sounds
Recognition of root words (huroof -e jaar)
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Community Partners
Reach out to us if you are working for the upliftment of underprivileged communities, have suburban or rural outreach, and can enroll learners. We are open to working with NGOs, schools, or any other organization.
Parents & Teachers
We are open to working with parents who are looking to accelerate their child’s learning, as well as teachers/ school owners who are looking for affordable, inclusive, and empowering EdTech solutions.